From Saint Sever
It has been a long while since I found wifi access so my apologies for the Blogger silence over the past days!
I am now in my 9th day on the road and making it a day of rest and restoration after a long week of walking about 155 kms. I took today off after a scare yesterday: leg pains that reminded me of the first stage of tendinitis, which can be a real pilgrim-stopper, I know from experience. I was almost ready last night to call it quits rather than risk the Big-T. Today, things feel better and I am hoping to continue on. I am in Saint Sever, a lovely town in the Department of Landes. I went to Mass in the Abbatial church both last night and this morning and the liturgies were wonderful, including a massive pipe organ accompanying a lively choir. The pastor had a very fine touch with everything he did; I really liked his manner and pastoral way. I introduced myself to him after Mass today and he was very happy to encourage me on my way.
The weather has been mixed: some days getting very hot and some days rainy and gray. I prefer the clear days in the morning when it is still fresh and cool, buy by the time it gets hot i am longing for the rain to cool me off.
The French folks who make all this possible are just wonderful to me and all pilgrims; we are really special to them and they will do anything and everything to care for us. I stayed with one lady a couple of nights ago who just retired and bought a house specifically on the Way do she could receive and care for pilgrims as they pass; I had the honor of being her first pilgrim to visit her new "refuge". In the village of Auros, I came across a group of teenagers enjoying a meal out the sidewalk; they called me over, served me a cool beer, and we got to know each other (two spoke English!) they found me on Facebook even as we were sitting around and a couple have befriended me already. So to the football (soccer) team of Auros and your supporters: MERCI BEAUCOUP!
If all stays reasonably well, I have 7 days left I walking. I now expect to arrive in St Jean Pied de Port on Sunday, a week from today. We'll see how the days go; most are sub 20 km days now with one exception (24 kms). Hopefully shorter days will help keep me healthy.
Thanks to all for your support and prayers for this old pilgrim just trying to walk as He walked…