A Kingdom-of-God Kind of Place
Vezelay. To understand the spiritual and even mystical significance of this town that I have today entered, you just need to see it from 5 kilometers out. Like the scriptural Jerusalem, this Holy City is set on a great hill, its basilica rising above its crown, drawing us poor small mortals forward and up, up, ever up! It is a Kingdom-of-God kind of place. Once here, the sense of peace and tranquillity that fills its streets and pervades its stones confirms that sense of the divine already here on this earth, at least partly. I suppose this is why pilgrims have for so long streamed here: they need to see, feel, and touch this holiness and have affirmed that this God and his promises are real. I’m so happy today to be here, to have walked here, to have spent the afternoon praying here. I will spend another day in Vezelay, then continue my pilgrim way south on Friday, God willing.